What Is The Block Scheduling Method And Why Does It Work?

As many of us know all too well, getting sidetracked by emails and other tasks is far too easy. This is unfortunate because it eats into our time and hammers our productivity. The result is that we can’t meet our deadlines effectively. This is why I recommend looking into the productivity method called block scheduling. 

How many times has it happened that you sat in front of your screen ostensibly for work only to find out to your dismay that yet again you have no idea where in the world all that time went? As usual, far less work was done than what you were aiming for. 

Block Scheduling – The Productivity Booster That You Can Use

The block scheduling method is a unique method to help you boost productivity and achieve more in less time by removing distractions that stand in the way of your success. 

The method is simple and straightforward. It entails setting time frames in your calendar where you dedicate yourself to working on one and only one thing. This could be a project that you need to complete within a tight deadline. You do nothing else apart from working on this project. 

For example, you can schedule blogging for tomorrow from 9 to 11 pm. During this time you will not be sidetracked by emails, setting up your editing timetable, or brainstorming blog post topics – these can all be accomplished at other times but not between 9 to 11 tomorrow. This is the time frame that you have committed yourself to blog writing only. This concept forms the basis for block scheduling. 

You can use this straightforward scheduling method for work or even to study. It can be applied to anything that you want to achieve in life. 

Implementing Block Schedule- How it’s Done

As you can see, the idea behind block scheduling is not all complicated. You do, however, need to know what you want to achieve so that you can successfully implement this productivity technique. 

One way to get key things done is to keep a to-do list. You can then prioritize critical tasks in this to-do list and block schedule them. You can keep separate to-do lists for home, work, and business. You can keep on block scheduling these tasks and thus cross them off one by one from your list. Of course, as new tasks come in, they will be included in your list. 

Prioritizing critical tasks is the key to block scheduling. Start with the ones that are the most important even if they seem hard, dull, or dreary. A disciplined approach is necessary for ensuring that pressing tasks are completed first. 

Another main point to watch out for is time allocation. Make sure that you allocate the right amount of time for each of your tasks. This may sound simple in theory, but in reality, most people badly underestimate how long it will take to do something. 

Bottom Line

Block scheduling is a productivity-boosting method that is easy to follow and one that will pay major dividends when you follow it rigorously. You will soon find that you are wasting less time and getting more things done comfortably before their deadlines.

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